Jun 28, 2024
Deadpool & Wolverine may be the cinematic debut for Charles Xavier’s psychopathic twin sister, but the film’s latest trailer is a reminder that it’s also going to be a trip down memory lane filled with X-Men villains from films of franchises past. While most of Deadpool & Wolverine’s ad spots so far have put more focus on the titular mutant heroes than the villains they’ll be fighting, the movie’s latest teaser is really just a big reveal that Tyler Mane — who first portrayed Sabretooth in Fox’s X-Men back in 2000 — will reprise his role. Previous trailers featured very brief shots of Kelly Hu’s Lady Deathstrike, Jason Flemyng’s Azazel, Ray Park’s Toad, and Aaron Stanford’s Pyro. With Sabretooth now in the mix, it all makes Deadpool &... Continue reading…
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